Author Guidelines

Jurnal Wisdom is a multidisciplinary journal covering the fields of Education, Social, Humanities and Islamic Studies. We accept articles in Indonesian and English. Submitted articles must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Types of Articles Accepted
   1. Research Articles
   2. Review Article
   3. Conceptual Articles

Manuscript Format
   1. Title: Maximum 15 words, reflecting the content of the article.
   2. Abstract: 150-250 words, including research objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Written in Indonesian and English.
   3. Keywords: 3-5 words, reflecting the main concept of the article.
   4. Introduction: Provides research background, objectives, and significance.
   5. Methods: Describes the approach, research design, tools used, and data analysis.
   6. Results and Discussion: Presents key findings and interpretation of results in the context of existing literature.
   7. Conclusions: A summary of the main findings and implications of the study.
   8. Acknowledgements: If required.
   9. References: Using APA 7th edition style.

For Font, Spacing and Margin, you only need to follow the Journal Template. The number of pages ranges from 15-20 pages.