
Jurnal Wisdom is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and ensuring the originality of all published articles. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and is considered a serious breach of ethical standards.

Plagiarism Threshold

To maintain the quality and integrity of our publications, Jurnal Wisdom has established a strict plagiarism policy:

  • Maximum Acceptable Plagiarism Level: Manuscripts submitted to Jurnal Wisdom must have a similarity index of no more than 20%. This includes all forms of plagiarism, such as direct copying, paraphrasing without proper citation, and using ideas or data from other sources without acknowledgment.

Plagiarism Detection

  • Plagiarism Detection Tools: All submitted manuscripts will be screened for plagiarism using reputable plagiarism detection software. The editorial team will carefully review the similarity reports generated by these tools.
  • Evaluation Process: If a manuscript is found to exceed the 20% similarity threshold, the editorial team will evaluate the nature and context of the matching content. Authors may be asked to revise their manuscript to reduce the similarity index and ensure proper citation and attribution.

Consequences of Plagiarism

  • Minor Similarity Issues: For manuscripts with minor similarity issues (e.g., borderline cases close to the 20% threshold), authors will be notified and required to make necessary revisions to address the similarities.
  • Significant Plagiarism: Manuscripts that exhibit significant levels of plagiarism (e.g., well above the 20% threshold or containing clear instances of unacknowledged copying) will be rejected outright. Authors of such manuscripts will be informed of the decision and provided with the similarity report for reference.
  • Repeated Offenses: Authors found to have committed repeated plagiarism offenses may face additional sanctions, including a ban on submitting future manuscripts to Jurnal Wisdom.

Author Responsibilities

  • Original Work: Authors must ensure that their manuscripts are their original work and properly cite all sources of information, data, and ideas. Direct quotes should be enclosed in quotation marks and properly referenced.
  • Self-Plagiarism: Authors should avoid self-plagiarism, which involves reusing significant portions of their previously published work without appropriate citation. Manuscripts submitted to Jurnal Wisdom should not have been published elsewhere or be under consideration by another journal.

Editorial Support

  • Guidance and Resources: Jurnal Wisdom provides resources and guidance to help authors understand and avoid plagiarism. Authors are encouraged to consult these resources and seek assistance if they have any questions about proper citation practices.
  • Pre-Submission Checks: Authors are encouraged to use plagiarism detection tools to check their manuscripts for similarity before submission. This helps identify and address potential issues early in the process.