Open Access Statement

Jurnal Wisdom is committed to supporting the wide and unrestricted dissemination of knowledge through an open access policy. We believe that knowledge should be freely available to everyone without financial, technical or legal barriers.

1. Full Open Access

All articles published in Wisdom Journal are freely available on our website and can be accessed by anyone without subscription fees or other restrictions. Readers may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or reference the full text of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose.

2. Copyright and Licences

Articles published in Wisdom Journal are licensed under  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This licence allows others to distribute, modify, and build upon existing works, even for commercial purposes, provided they give appropriate credit to the original author and the journal.

3. Publication Fees

To support a high-quality and open access publishing process, Wisdom Journal may charge article processing charges (APCs) to authors. These fees cover the cost of DOI Prefixes, editing, and article hosting and domains. We always endeavour to keep these fees affordable and transparent.

4. Commitment to Openness and Transparency

We are committed to ensuring that the publishing process in Wisdom Journal is transparent and open. All submitted articles will go through a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and originality of the research. We are also committed to adhering to high ethical standards of publishing.

5. Advantages of Open Access

With an open access policy, we hope to:
     a. Increase the visibility and impact of published research.
     b. Support collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers, academics, and practitioners.
     c. Facilitate access to scientific information in developing countries and underserved communities.

We invite authors, readers, and the academic community to support these open access initiatives and together advance science for the common good. For more information about our open access policy or to submit an article, please visit our website at or contact us at